People born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of Monkey are easy to read in a simple and funny way. Monkeys do not have large hip. Their tiny hip is red color. At the same time they have long arms, long legs, long tail. From all this we know their character is unable to sit still. Other wise their hip will burn red :))))
They are super active, never stop. Very clever and competitive. That's why they have very high rate to change their job so often.
Best advice for People Born Under Chinese Zodiac Sign of Monkey in 2011:
- Stay stable for lucky year. Because this year is your average year. Keep still as much as you can.
- Go further in your career and investment while you keep still.
- Don't push yourself.
- Do not take risk.
- Listen to elder person's advice. Some of them are really good for you.
- Monkey's best Friends: are Dragon, Rat, and snake.
- What does monkey need to wear for this year? PiXu. It will help you be more successful with less activety.
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