People born under the Chinese Astrology sign of Cow are loyal, hard working, strong, persistent, and can handle lots of responsibility. For this 2011 Rabbit year you need continue your personality.
This year is not great for you. It is also not terrible.
You are having big pressure in your career and may not have big chance for huge development but use this time to prepare your energy to change so you can take best advantage in the future.
For money, it is also not so good for big investments. Getting money is not so easy. Remember: Be persistent. If you are willing to go through many difficulties, you will break through.
Married couples try not to fight. Build a strong relationship together.
What should People born under the Chinese Astrology sign of the Cow do this year?
- First, get help from Rat, Snake and Rooster people. They are your best friends for life.
- When you need help they will always be there for you. Because Rat, and Rooster are not so lucky this year, wearing Snake charm will make you get help easily.
- If you still want to get best result from this year even though this year is average for you I will send you a free gift to help your dreams come true. Its called Emperor's Walk. It is 5,000 year old secret and easy to do. I have heard amazing results about the walk from my friends and clients. This information was kept secret by every Emperor of China until 1976 when Chairman Mao died. It is still universally unknown and only a deep study of ancient knowledge reveals part of its power. It is my New Year gift to you. See the link at the top of the left column of this page.
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