2011 is Chinese Zodiac year of the Rabbit and we pay great attention to Rabbit sign in 2011.
First Rabbit's character is gentle, polite, smart, very disciplined and serious when doing anything. Do not have over expectations in 2011. Even though this is your Zodiac Year your energy is against this year. If you have too high expectation, 9 of 10 will be very disappointing.
Why? Because this year's universal energy is not so friendly to you.
You need to be aware of the following:
- Relationship: More fights than another year. This year emotion of love will have big challenge, prepare yourself.
- Career: Doesn't matter how hard you work, it will be hard to get what you want. Not easy to go forward. Even backward is possible. So be careful and use caution in making work related decisions. Tell yourself. " This year I need to do my career step by step instead of trying to jump." Do not go for to extreme change.
- Finance: Avoid big investment by yourself.
- Health: Have good insurance. Be careful of sickness and accident.
- One of the best ways is early in the year go to donate blood, teeth cleaning and draw blood for whole health check out. This is very interesting. In a way you are taking blood from yourself so energy will not.
- First, at beginning of Chinese new year, wear 2011 TaiSui incantations. What does 2011 taishu incantation look like and how do you wear it? I explain it <here>. You have to get it. You need it.
- Do good things all the time.
- Wear red color. Men: red belt. Red tie. Red shirt. Red jacket. Even red underwear. Woman: red underwear. Red dress. Red scarf. Red suit. Red jewelry.
- Try to be around these three animal sign persons. Pig, Dog, and Sheep. They are your best friends and they have very special connection with this year TaiShui (good fortune).
- Wear animal: Pig, Dog or Sheep charm.
- Do my Emperor's Walk-see link at top left column. It has great power to charge your spiritual and daily life energy. Best of all it is my gift to you. I have many clients that after just one week of doing the walk have reported amazing positive changes in their life.
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